For Men
My Girlfriend is Pregnant
Hearing the news that your girlfriend is pregnant can be shocking and scary. The first reaction is often one of disbelief. Maybe you’re feeling that.
What to Do
So You Think She’s Pregnant?
Hearing the news that your girlfriend is pregnant can be shocking and scary. The first reaction is often one of disbelief. Maybe you’re feeling that this just can’t be real… at least not for you. Getting confirmation of the pregnancy is the first step. We offer no-cost pregnancy testing here at Aspire Clinic and would love for her to come in for a test to confirm the pregnancy.
We invite you to come with her to her appointment. We’ll have you wait in the lobby while we perform the initial intake. At the appropriate time, with her permission, you’ll be invited back for the ultrasound.
What to Do and Not Do
What to Do
What Should You Do If Your Girlfriend is Pregnant?
- Listen. The situation involves more than just you.
- Stay Calm. She needs your support now more than ever.
- Talk about it – not only with each other, but prepare to talk with parents and others close to the situation.
- Gather all the facts. Get all the information and seek wise counsel so you can make the best decision for both of you.
- Express yourself honestly – it’s normal to have feelings of anger, frustration and fear. But make sure she knows she is not alone.
What Not to Do
What Should You Not Do If Your Girlfriend is Pregnant?
- Don’t bail. The more you run from this, the harder it becomes to think and act clearly.
- Don’t pressure her. Applying pressure will only push her away, possibly into a regretful situation.
- Don’t forget. You have a very active role in this situation. Listen to input as well as give your thoughts.
Consider Your Options
“You’ll need time to think, so be sure that you continue to communicate with each other over the next days and weeks.”
If your girlfriend is pregnant, it’s going to be important for the two of you to spend some time talking. Often, when guys hear the news that their girlfriend might be pregnant, their first reaction isn’t always the best.
If you said things or acted in a way that hurt her feelings, you may have to begin by apologizing. After, you both need to be honest about how you are feeling.
Anger, fear, guilt, and resentment are common emotions many feel when facing an unplanned pregnancy. You should also begin to talk about your concerns and how you think the pregnancy will impact each of you.
Be sure to listen to her during these conversations. It’s natural to focus on your feelings and how this impacts you, but now isn’t the time to be selfish. As you talk, this shouldn’t be a one-sided conversation.
You’ll need time to think, so be sure that you continue to communicate with each other over the next few days and weeks. This will be one of the biggest decisions of your life and you don’t have to rush things.
You have time to consider all of your options. And as you talk, let her know she is not in this alone – that you are stepping up and taking responsibility.
Once you’ve had some time to talk and share your concerns, it’s time to start coming up with a plan. Often young couples aren’t aware of all the options available to them.
As the father, you have several options when your girlfriend is pregnant. We are happy to talk them over with the two of you at the appointment. Or, if you would like, our male coaches are available to talk through your fears and challenges.
We understand that you may have questions. We are here to help you walk through this journey each step of the way.
Do you provide Plan B?
We do not provide emergency contraception (Plan B, the Morning After Pill, etc.), however, we can discuss how it works and possible side-effects of its usage.
For more information, call 239-280-5523.
What do I need/how do I prepare for a pregnancy test?
You will need a photo ID and should not use the restroom within an hour of your visit, to ensure the most accurate pregnancy test results.
If I'm under 18, do I need my parents' permission for pregnancy or STI testing?
Because STI and pregnancy testing can often lead to a wide range of follow-up discussions, we encourage all of our clients to talk to a family member or friend that they trust. If you choose, you may bring them to the appointment. However, because of the sexual health reproductive laws in Florida, we are able to provide full testing and treatment to you without parental consent.
Should I get tested for an STI?
The Centers for Disease Control recommends STI testing any time you have had new or multiple sex partners. There are four types of sex that can put you at risk for contracting an STI: mutual masturbation, oral sex, vaginal sex and anal sex.
Many infections may not cause symptoms but can still be passed between partners. Also remember that while condoms may reduce the risk of getting pregnant or contracting an STI, even if used consistently and correctly each and every time, they cannot provide 100% protection.
Aspire Women’s Clinic provides STI TESTING AND TREATMENT at no cost.
Call us for an appointment.
Your health is our priority.
What if I have an STI (sexually transmitted infection?)
Did you know that not all abortion providers check for STIs (sexually transmitted infections) before they perform abortions? Serious complications can occur if an STI is not treated before you undergo an abortion procedure.
According to the CDC, it can put you at risk for an ectopic pregnancy, infertility, abscess, chronic pelvic/abdominal pain, and pain and bleeding during sex.
Aspire Women’s Clinic provides STI TESTING AND TREATMENT at no cost. Contact us for an appointment. Your health is our priority.
To discuss these options further or to schedule an appointment with one of our medical professionals, call Aspire Women’s Clinic at 239-280-5523.
Abortion Facts
We believe an informed decision is the best decision. Our doctor and nurses are here to help answer your questions about abortion.
Talk to us, we can help!
For Men
Hearing the news that your girlfriend is pregnant can be shocking and scary. Getting confirmation of the pregnancy is the first step.
Aspire Clinic can help!
Get Answers
Aspire Women’s Clinic will help you walk through all of your questions. Our staff is here to help you learn about:
Pregnancy related medical procedures
Pregnancy options
Abortion information
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My Girlfriend Is Pregnant
SO YOU THINK SHE MIGHT BE PREGNANT Hearing the news that your girlfriend is pregnant can be shocking and scary. The first reaction is often one of disbelief. Maybe you’re feeling that this just can’t be real… at least not for you. Getting confirmation of the pregnancy...
Naples Clinic
15205 Collier Blvd, Suite 209
Naples, FL 34119
Call or Text: (239) 217-4838 for information or questions.
Monday to Friday: 9am – 5pm
Saturday - Sunday: Closed
Fort Myers Clinic
4969 Royal Gulf Circle
Fort Myers, FL 33966
Call or Text: (239) 217-4838 for information or questions.
Monday to Friday: 9am – 5pm
Saturday - Sunday: Closed