Abortion Information
Our doctor, nurses, and staff are here to listen and then give you truthful and accurate information on all your pregnancy options, including abortion procedure facts and types of abortion procedures.
About Abortion
Abortion Consultation
We believe an informed decision is the best decision.
Talk to us, we can help!
Our doctor, nurses, and staff are here to listen and then give you truthful and accurate information on all your pregnancy options, including abortion procedure facts and types of abortion procedures.
Every woman who faces an unplanned pregnancy has the same choice: parent, have someone else parent for them or terminate the pregnancy.
Though every woman has the same choices, not every pregnancy is the same. Each pregnancy brings with it unique challenges, emotions and sometimes a real sense of loneliness. Each decision takes courage, education, and support.
Our staff is ready and willing to help you face the uniqueness of your pregnancy.
Call us for your pre-procedure pregnancy assessment: 239-990-5543 or contact us online!
Types of Abortion Procedures
Chemical Abortions
Abortion Pill (RU-486):
Up to 10 weeks after last period
*On March 30, 2016, the Food and Drug Administration released new labeling information on the Mifeprex (mifepristone/misoprostol) medical abortion protocol. Mifeprex is now approved, in a regimen with misoprostol, to end a pregnancy through 70 days gestation (70 days or less since the first day of a woman’s last menstrual period). The approved Mifeprex dosing regimen is:16
- On Day One: 200 mg of Mifeprex taken by mouth. This pill blocks the hormones needed to sustain the embryo.
- 24 to 48 hours after taking Mifeprex: 800 mcg of misoprostol taken buccally (in the cheek pouch), at a location appropriate for the patient
- About seven to fourteen days after taking Mifeprex: follow-up with the healthcare provider
Because of the risk of serious complications, including death, Mifeprex is only available through a restricted program that requires abortion providers to warn patients to SEEK IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ATTENTION:
- Sustained fever, severe abdominal pain, prolonged heavy bleeding, or fainting
- Symptoms that last more than 24 hours after taking misoprostol: abdominal pain/discomfort, feeling sick, weakness, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea, with or without fever.
Surgical Abortion Procedures
First Trimester Abortion:
6 -14 weeks after last period
This surgery starts like a pelvic exam, with a speculum inserted into the vagina. Then, the cervix – the opening to the uterus or womb – is opened with instruments. Next, everything inside the uterus is suctioned out with either a syringe or a suction machine. If needed, a curette (a scoop-shaped instrument) is inserted into the uterus and scraped along the walls to ensure all fetal tissue is removed.
Second Trimester Abortion:
14-24 weeks after last period
Due to the size of the pregnancy, this surgical procedure is usually a two-day process. Day 1 involves insertion of sponge-like laminaria that force the cervix open by absorbing moisture and expanding. On day 2, the laminaria are removed. If the fetus is too large to pass through an inserted suction tube, forceps may be used to remove the fetus by smaller pieces before suctioning occurs. The curette (a scoop-shaped instrument) may be used to scrape the walls to ensure no fetal parts or tissue are left behind.
Late-Term Abortion:
24 weeks or more after last period
These procedures may take 2 or 3 days, depending on how long it takes to open the cervix to the desired width. A medication or saline solution is injected into the amniotic sac to stop the heart of the fetus. Medications may then be given to contract the uterus and expel the fetus. If the fetus is not expelled by the contractions, the procedure described in the Second Trimester Abortion is used.
What Can You Expect After an Abortion?
Every Medical Procedure Has a Recovery Time.
There are many physical, emotional and psychological symptoms that a woman may experience after an abortion. Some symptoms occur right after but other women may experience long-term effects which may require counseling in later years.
Common physical side-effects:
There are certain symptoms that women have expressed after having an abortion. These include but are not limited to:
Bleeding – Cramping – Tenderness or pain in the abdomen
Nausea – Vomiting Diarrhea
The degree to which these occur and are considered “normal” can depend on the procedure and how far along the woman was in her pregnancy.
Possible physical complications after surgical abortions*:
Incomplete abortion – Damaged cervix – Damaged internal organs
Infections – Anesthesia complications – Scarring – Puncturing of the uterus
*Approximately 1 in 100 women having an early abortion will have complications and 1 in 50 will for late term abortions.
Possible emotional complications with abortion procedures:
Emotional complications may remain hidden for a while. Studies show that emotional and psychological side effects are more common than physical complications. Feelings of regret, anger, and even suicidal thoughts have been reported. These feelings may vary from person to person and not all women report them.
Possibilities include but are not limited to feelings of:
- Guilt
- Depression
- Loneliness
- Anxiety
- Emotional “numbing”
- Self-esteem issues
- Unhealthy relationships
- Nightmares or flashbacks about the abortion
- Eating disorders
- Alcohol and drug abuse
- Self-destructive behavior
- Suicidal thoughts
If you’re experiencing an unwanted pregnancy, we’re here to help.
We understand that you may have questions. We are here to help you walk through this journey each step of the way.
Do you provide Plan B?
We do not provide emergency contraception (Plan B, the Morning After Pill, etc.), however, we can discuss how it works and possible side-effects of its usage.
For more information, call 239-990-5543
What do I need/how do I prepare for a pregnancy test?
You will need a photo ID and should not use the restroom within an hour of your visit, to ensure the most accurate pregnancy test results.
If I'm under 18, do I need my parents' permission for pregnancy or STI testing?
Because STI and pregnancy testing can often lead to a wide range of follow-up discussions, we encourage all of our clients to talk to a family member or friend that they trust. If you choose, you may bring them to the appointment. However, because of the sexual health reproductive laws in Florida, we are able to provide full testing and treatment to you without parental consent.
Should I get tested for an STI?
The Centers for Disease Control recommends STI/STD testing any time you have had new or multiple sex partners. There are four types of sex that can put you at risk for contracting an STI: mutual masturbation, oral sex, vaginal sex and anal sex.
Many infections may not cause symptoms but can still be passed between partners. Also remember that while condoms may reduce the risk of getting pregnant or contracting an STI/STD, even if used consistently and correctly each and every time, they cannot provide 100% protection.
Aspire Clinic provides NO-COST STI TESTING AND TREATMENT. STI testing and treatment is provided for pregnant patients. Contact us for an appointment. Your health is our priority.
Call us for an appointment.
Your health is our priority.
What if I have an STI (sexually transmitted infection?)
Did you know that not all abortion providers check for STIs (sexually transmitted infections) before they perform abortions? Serious complications can occur if an STI is not treated before you undergo an abortion procedure.
According to the CDC, it can put you at risk for an ectopic pregnancy, infertility, abscess, chronic pelvic/abdominal pain, and pain and bleeding during sex.
Aspire Clinic provides NO-COST STI TESTING AND TREATMENT. STI testing and treatment is provided for pregnant patients. Contact us for an appointment. Your health is our priority.
To discuss these options further or to schedule an appointment with one of our medical professionals, call PRC Clinic at 239-280-5523 or make an online appointment.
If you would like to schedule an appointment, please contact Aspire at: 239-900-5543 or book an appointment online.
Abortion Facts
We believe an informed decision is the best decision. Our doctor and nurses are here to help answer your questions about abortion.
Talk to us, we can help!
For Men
Hearing the news that your girlfriend is pregnant can be shocking and scary. Getting confirmation of the pregnancy is the first step.
Aspire Clinic can help!
Get Answers
Aspire Clinic will help you walk through all of your questions. Our staff is here to help you learn about:
Pregnancy related medical procedures
Pregnancy options
Abortion information
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Naples Clinic
15205 Collier Blvd, Suite 209
Naples, FL 34119
Call or Text: (239) 217-4838 for information or questions.
Monday to Friday: 9am – 5pm
Saturday - Sunday: Closed
Fort Myers Clinic
4969 Royal Gulf Circle
Fort Myers, FL 33966
Call or Text: (239) 217-4838 for information or questions.
Monday to Friday: 9am – 5pm
Saturday - Sunday: Closed