Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Gonorrhea Testing

Aspire can help you identify Gonorrhea early before severe problems occur as a complication of the infection.

Gonorrhea Testing Information

Gonorrhea is a common sexually transmitted infection (STI) that is transmitted through sexual activity. Gonorrhea is curable with the proper medication, but can lead to severe problems if it is not treated in a timely manner. The best way to catch Gonorrhea in its initial stages is to get tested. Aspire Clinic offers free Gonorrhea testing and Gonorrhea treatment.

Free STI testing by Aspire Clinic can help you identify Gonorrhea early before severe problems occur as a complication of the infection.

Gonorrhea Causes

“Once someone has Gonorrhea, they will experience different levels of symptoms depending on how long they’ve had it.”

Gonorrhea can be spread through any sort of sexual intercourse and can affect areas including the vagina, penis, anus, scrotum, lips, and mouth. Skin-to-skin contact spreads syphilis. When your vagina, vulva, anus, penis, scrotum, or mouth touches someone’s syphilis sores. Gonorrhea can also be transmitted from mother to child during delivery. Vaginal, anal, and oral sex can all spread gonorrhea, though vaginal and anal are more likely than oral.

Once someone has syphilis, they will experience different levels of symptoms depending on how long they’ve had it. Sometimes people stay symptom-free, or asymptomatic, for a long period of time. The primary stage includes syphilis sores called chancres that form on any part of the body that has had contact with someone else’s chancre. Often, these are in places that are difficult to see.

These sores go away whether you get treated or not, but if you’re untreated, you still have the infection. Rashes on the hands and feet are equated with secondary-stage gonorrhea. Again, these can last for a long period of time or a very short period of time. Regardless of whether they go away without treatment, if you have not had the proper course of antibiotics, you still have a gonorrhea infection. There may be no symptoms associated with late-stage syphilis, but eventually the infection can affect eyesight and internal organs.

Gonorrhea Treatment

“We know that it can be scary to test for sexually transmitted infections, but we also know that it is worth it.”

The treatment for Gonorrhea is fairly straightforward when caught early enough. If severe problems have not developed as a result of the infection, then a course of antibiotics can cure the infection and rid the body of Gonorrhea. However, there are new strains of gonorrhea that are resistant to antibiotics and these strains require ongoing, more in-depth Gonorrhea treatment in order to cure.

For more information about Gonorrhea treatment and other sexually transmitted diseases like Genital Herpes or Chlamydia, please reach out to us at one of our Florida clinics. You can also text us, just send a text with the phrase “HELPLINE” to 313131. We know that it can be scary to test for sexually transmitted infections, but we also know that it is worth it. At PRC Naples Clinic, we are here to help you and keep you safe with free Gonorrhea tests.

Gonorrhea Prevention

“The only way to truly prevent Gonorrhea is to not have vaginal sex, anal sex, or oral sex.”

The only way to truly prevent Gonorrhea is to not have vaginal sex, anal sex, or oral sex. You are also at a higher risk level for developing Gonorrhea if you have had STIs previously. Avoiding the contraction of STIs in general will help to lower your risk factor for Gonorrhea.

If you would like to remain sexually active, you can reduce your risk level. The first, and most obvious way to reduce your risk level, is to stay within a monogamous relationship. In a monogamous relationship where both partners have been tested for STIs and are negative, there is no risk of contracting the disease (as long as the partners remain faithful to one another). For those who are sexually active with multiple partners, using latex condoms during sex can help to lower the risk of contracting Gonorrhea. Routine free Gonorrhea tests can help ensure you catch the disease in time.

Common STD Symptoms

If you think you have been exposed to an STI/STD, it is important to get tested. Some common symptoms of an STI (sexually transmitted infection) include:


Unusual odor


Discharge from thevagina or penis


Burning during urination


Sores on the genitals

About STI Testing

Currently, our STI services are for pregnant women only. At Aspire Women's Clinic, our STI testing is FREE. Same day appointments are available. Treatment for some diseases will be offered without expense to the client, while referrals for other treatment may be necessary.

FAQs About STD Testing

We provide services for pregnant for the following: Chlamydia and Gonorrhea.

What if I have an STD (sexually transmitted disease) and want an abortion?

Did you know that not all abortion providers check for STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) before they perform abortions? Serious complications can occur if an STD is not treated before you undergo an abortion procedure.  According to the CDC it can put you at risk for an ectopic pregnancy, infertility, abscess, chronic pelvic/abdominal pain, and pain and bleeding during sex.

Am I not tested for STDs during my yearly check-up?

While the services performed in a yearly check-up vary by physician, most physicians will not screen for STDs unless requested to do so. Please ask your physician for more information about what testing they routinely offer during your appointment. Remember that the Centers for Disease Control recommend screening any time you have had new or multiple sex partners.

Should I get tested for an STD?

The Centers for Disease Control recommends STD testing any time you have had new or multiple sex partners. There are four types of sex that can put you at risk for contracting an STD: mutual masturbation, oral sex, vaginal sex and anal sex.

Many infections may not cause symptoms but can still be passed between partners. Also remember that while condoms may reduce the risk of getting pregnant or contracting an STD, even if used consistently and correctly each and every time, they cannot provide 100% protection.


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Your health is our priority.

Naples Clinic

15205 Collier Blvd, Suite 209
Naples, FL 34119

Call or Text: (239) 217-4838 for information or questions.

Monday to Friday: 9am – 5pm

Saturday - Sunday: Closed

Fort Myers Clinic

4969 Royal Gulf Circle
Fort Myers, FL 33966

Call or Text: (239) 217-4838 for information or questions.

Monday to Friday: 9am – 5pm

Saturday - Sunday: Closed