My Girlfriend Is Pregnant

My Girlfriend Is Pregnant

SO YOU THINK SHE MIGHT BE PREGNANT Hearing the news that your girlfriend is pregnant can be shocking and scary. The first reaction is often one of disbelief. Maybe you’re feeling that this just can’t be real… at least not for you. Getting confirmation of the pregnancy...
Telling Others About an Unplanned Pregnancy

Telling Others About an Unplanned Pregnancy

Finding out that you are pregnant, and then sharing the news with others, can be a very exciting time. However, if it’s an unplanned pregnancy, things can look a little different. Coming to terms with an unplanned pregnancy yourself has its fair share of challenges....
Nervous To Visit A Clinic? Here’s What You Can Expect

Nervous To Visit A Clinic? Here’s What You Can Expect

Are you feeling anxious, confused, overwhelmed, and possibly a little excited all at once? Here are some helpful tips to prepare for your first visit to a pregnancy clinic. Coming to our clinic will help you get the answers you need: what tests are required to confirm...