
As most of us know, sometimes life does not go according to plan and can be full of unexpected twists and turns. One of these turns can be an unplanned pregnancy or unwanted pregnancy. If you do find yourself in this situation, there are a few things you should know that can help prepare you for the journey ahead.

1. You’re Not Alone

If you are faced with an unplanned pregnancy, remember that you are not alone. Over half of American women have had at least one unwanted pregnancy– and not all of them are teenagers either. Visiting a community clinic will help give you the support you need, and introduce you to other women going through the same life change.

2. It’s Going To Be Emotional

Perhaps the hardest part about pregnancy, even a planned one, is riding the emotional roller coaster that comes with it. You will feel emotions of happiness, shock, and fear. You may even feel anger towards yourself or your partner. However, as you move through each emotion, and get the necessary support you need, you will find that it will become easier with time.

3. Change is Inevitable 

On top of the many changes your body will go through, another challenge of pregnancy is that you may have to make certain changes. This may be especially hard if you enjoy going out with your friends who like to drink and party. For your own health and the health of your baby, you may need to make a few important lifestyle changes while you are pregnant. 

4. You May Lose Friends

As you embark on this journey, you may find that certain friends will distance themselves from you if they don’t agree with your choices. In turn, during this time, you may also decide to remove yourself from certain unhealthy friendships. Remember, true friends will stick with you through your entire pregnancy and will be supportive of your decisions. 

5. You’ll Need to Save and Budget 

Being pregnant can be stressful financially, even if you’ve planned it. Naturally, you’ll need a list of things to buy and prepare for before your baby arrives. You’ll need to look at your various options and get the necessities that are within your budget. The good news? You have nine months to prepare and save for your baby’s arrival.

6. You’ll Probably Feel Afraid

We know becoming pregnant is a major life event. Unplanned or planned, it is completely normal to feel scared, anxious, and afraid. To make things easier on yourself, talk to loved ones about how you are feeling and get the help and support you need from clinics and communities available to you.

7. You’ll Hear All Kinds of Stories

As soon as you start to share the news of your pregnancy, you may find that everyone will want to share their own advice and personal pregnancy and birth stories with you. While some may be well-intended and pleasant, others might not be! Remember that everyone’s pregnancy experience is different.

8. You May Worry a Lot

Easier said than done, it doesn’t help to worry. Plus, worrying too much isn’t good for either mom or baby’s health. Try not to stress about things that are out of your hands, and instead, try to focus on things you can control such as eating the right foods, getting enough rest, and taking care of yourself. 

9. You Might Feel Guilty 

While it’s easy to get caught up in the what-ifs, try not to replay the past and wonder how things could have been different. As hard as it may seem, try not to be weighed down with feelings of guilt either. Again, focus on your emotional and physical health, and speak openly to your support network.

We know being faced with an unplanned pregnancy can be a difficult time. However, you don’t have to do it alone. Aspire Clinic is a free community pregnancy clinic that is here to help you every step of the way. At Aspire we have a caring team of staff and volunteers who are here to assist you wherever we can. Visit Aspire today!