Finding out that you are pregnant, and then sharing the news with others, can be a very exciting time. However, if it’s an unplanned pregnancy, things can look a little different. Coming to terms with an unplanned pregnancy yourself has its fair share of challenges. And, now having to tell your parents, boyfriend, family, and friends might mean difficult conversations are ahead. 

First things first, take a deep breath! Everything is going to be okay. Below, we share a few important things to think about when planning on having these types of conversations with your loved ones:

Confirm the Pregnancy

Whatever you do, be 100% sure that you are pregnant before sharing your news. You can, of course, take a home pregnancy test but it’s best to see your doctor or visit a clinic to confirm that you are pregnant. Free pregnancy tests are available at all Aspire Women’s Clinic’s. Once you’ve done this, and your pregnancy is 100% confirmed, now you can think about the next steps.

Check-in with Yourself

Take time to sit with how you are feeling. Give yourself time to process the life-changing information that has just been given to you, and think about what you would like your new life to look like. Most importantly, remember you are not alone! Did you know that roughly half of all pregnancies in the U.S. are unplanned? Remember, whatever you’re feeling is normal…happiness, anxiety, fear, excitement. Many women go through a rollercoaster of emotions when it comes to an unplanned (or even planned) pregnancy.

Talk to Someone you Feel Comfortable With

Many clinics such as PRC Clinics have trained staff who are here to help. PRC Clinics also have counselors available who you can chat to. This way, you can speak to a trained professional that is completely objective. Here, you can talk about how you’re feeling and the various emotions you may be dealing with.

Practice What You are Going to Say

Give some thought about what you want to say and how you wish to say it. Perhaps you’ve already told your boyfriend, friend, or sister and want them with you for moral support when you have your other conversations. Write down what you want to talk about and the information you’d like to share. Be prepared for some questions too.

Plan Your Conversations

Planning these conversations ahead of time is often a good idea. You don’t want to tell your parents 5 minutes before they rush out the door to work or choose a crowded, noisy restaurant to tell them. Allow for some privacy and time for both parties to discuss and explain how they may be feeling. 

Talk About What You Want the Future to Look Like

Now, you may wish to have this talk later down the line. However, your parents or friends may want to talk about this when they first hear your news. If you are still living with your parents, this might change things as they may have to provide you with financial support. Perhaps you want to find a place of your own or move in with your partner? If you want to continue to study or start working after the baby is born, tell your friends and family how you plan to set things in motion.

Try to Stay Calm and Positive 

Sometimes it takes a bit of time for your loved ones to process an unplanned pregnancy. You may be met with overwhelming love and support, and other times it might take a while for your friends and family to come around to the idea. So you need to be prepared for negative reactions. Give everyone time to process the information, and they will come around. 

So, there you go! We hope that the above tips help when it comes to having these conversations with your loved ones. Remember, you will feel much better once you share your news and can get more support from your family and friends.

If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy visit Aspire Women’s Clinic. We are a free community pregnancy clinic that is here to help you throughout this time. We are here to assist you in any way that we can with free pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, educational information, and overall support. 

Pop into Aspire Women’s Clinic today or give us a call to find out how we can help you at every step of the way on your pregnancy journey. Make an appointment online today, or give us a call.