Quick question: have you ever worked hard for something, gotten it, then found out it might not be as smooth sailing as you thought? Overcoming challenges is part of life and bad timing often makes situations seem even harder.

I recently read this story about a woman who grew up overseas. She was raised to work hard and do her best, always. No questions asked.  Later, she went on to train at combat school and eventually found her way into law school. Then, randomly, she is asked to audition for a role that, at the time, was unknown to her what it would be.

And just like that, Gal Gadot became Wonder Woman. She talked about how excited she was and how hard she worked training for months and pouring herself into this role. The long days and nights were going to be worth it to make this incredible movie. Only to find out when the shooting began, that she was pregnant. If that’s not bad timing, I don’t know what is.

That didn’t slow her down one bit. “We cut open the costume and had this green screen on my stomach,” Gadot says. “It was funny-Wonder Woman with a belly.”

Today, her daughter will grow up knowing that her mom was rooting for her, even while she was working towards her dreams. I don’t know about you, but I would like to have my cake, and eat it too!

“Being a woman is a strength” – Gal Gadot, AKA Wonder Woman