Are you concerned about your sexual health? Have you done an internet search about sexually transmitted infections and read articles and statistics that make you anxious? Do you feel trapped in a cycle of risky choices or unhealthy relationships? Do you sometimes feel low and worthless?

There is good news! Aspire Women’s Clinic offers FREE testing for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and FREE sexual health education sessions. Not only that, Aspire is staffed with women who truly care for other women!

When a woman comes to Aspire…

SHE is educated!

SHE is encouraged!

SHE is empowered!

SHE is educated about how STIs are transmitted and how they can affect her health. STIs need to be treated quickly to avoid further complications such as Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID), leading to pelvic pain and an increased risk of infertility. During a sexual health session, SHE will learn sexual risk avoidance options to help guard her body against the threat of STIs.

SHE is encouraged to pursue the best for herself!  SHE has self-worth and value! SHE is worthy of love and commitment in a healthy, thriving relationship.  SHE has goals and ambitions that SHE is striving towards!  SHE is encouraged not to let anything or anyone hinder her from living life to the fullest.

SHE is empowered with confidence and knowledge to move forward.  SHE will be armed to make choices to guard her body, heart, mind, and spirit.  SHE has hope for a bright future.  Sexual Health Education doesn’t have to end when her visit is complete. SHE can return to meet with a mentor who will continue to encourage and empower.

Make an appointment today!