early signs of pregnancyWhat are the early signs of pregnancy?

Sometimes the time leading up to realize that you’re pregnant can seem odd. Your body has already started to care for the baby inside of you and is feeding it all it needs! But sometimes, we miss those key early signs that tell us we are pregnant. According to WebMD, here is a list of general early signs of pregnancy.


  • After conception, a fertilized egg attaches itself to the wall of the uterus. This can cause spotting or implantation bleeding.


  • These types of cramps can resemble menstrual cramps but are caused by the fertilized egg attaching itself to the wall of the uterus.

Fatigue or the constant feeling of being tired

  • The feeling of being very tired early on in your pregnancy is an early indicator of being pregnant. This is related to your body creating a large level of the hormone progesterone that feeds your new baby.

Nausea or morning sickness

  • Nausea and morning sickness is the most common symptom of pregnancy. Although it is unknown the exact causes of this, some doctors contribute it to the change in hormones a pregnant mom experience.

Missed menstrual cycle

  • The most obvious early symptom of pregnancy, and the one that leads most women to get a pregnancy test.

For more information on the early signs of pregnancy, visit www.webmd.com.

If you or your partner think they might be pregnant or at risk for an unplanned pregnancy, contact us. Aspire is here to offer free, confidential pregnancy testing for women in a safe and pressure-free environment. Give us a call today.

*The content of aspirewomensclinic.org is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or licensed medical professional with any questions you may have regarding any prenatal vitamins, and drug and alcohol rehab. The author of this piece intent is to share research found, not to provide medical advice.