The positive pregnancy test – not always a welcomed sight. So what do you do when it is YOU that reads those double lines? Facing an unplanned pregnancy many thoughts can come racing into your mind – Am I ready? Can I afford a baby? What will everyone think? What if no one helps me? What does a baby even need? These are all valid and totally understandable questions.

Aspire is here to help you navigate the waters of an unplanned pregnancy.

The first step is to make an appointment at one of our clinics. Oftentimes we can see you the same day you call in!

When you arrive at the clinic, we ask for a photo ID to confirm your identity. Don’t worry, we will not be sending you any mail or contact you without your permission!

The next step will be to complete an intake form – paperwork to help us get to know you better and best meet your needs.

After the paperwork is completed, we will ask you for a urine sample and the RN will run a urine pregnancy test. During that time, you will meet with Patient Advocate who will listen to any concerns you may be having. We even have male advocates if you think your boyfriend/significant other may want someone to talk too! The Advocate will review a plan of care for you, to best assess your needs and determine how Aspire can best assist with those needs.

After the pregnancy test is complete, the RN will meet with you review your results and answer any medical questions you may have.

If your pregnancy test is positive, the nurse will also discuss with you the procedure for your ultrasound to further confirm pregnancy and estimate gestational age (how far along you may be in pregnancy). The ultrasound may be performed the day of your initial appointment or may have to be scheduled for a different day. The ultrasound is performed at the clinic by a sonographer trained to perform ultrasounds. After your ultrasound, you can ask the nurse or advocate any questions you may have and work again on your plan of care if needed.

An unplanned pregnancy can seem very scary, but you do not have to face it alone. PRC is here for you!

If you think you might be pregnant, make an appointment at Aspire today! We are a free and confidential medical clinic here to help you.