My Girlfriend Might be Pregnant, Now What?

What just happened?   You both really like and keep having sex, but you decided to try things a little differently this time, more carefree basically…like unprotected sex, no barriers, no boundaries, no condoms.  Even her birth control lapsed. Soooooo no consequences,...

Getting Ready for Back to School: STI Testing and Treatment

Pencils? Check. Paper? Check. Textbooks? Check. STI testing? Wait, What??? Back to school brings many thoughts to consider. Have you considered your sexual health? Well, you should! Aspire Clinic offers free STI testing on Tuesdays at the Naples location and...

How does Aspire help with an Unexpected Pregnancy?

Did you know that as part of your time with us at Aspire… Whether you are here for pregnancy testing or STI testing, we will sit and talk through all your options with you? However long that takes. We believe that the only way you can make an informed choice...

20 Years Old and Pregnant

To preface this: I am a 25-year-old who found myself pregnant at 20 years old. Not ideal. I was a sophomore in college, in a sorority, and had big plans for my future. I was in school for Elementary Education, and I planned on getting my masters right after school and...

What can you expect during a pregnancy ultrasound?

Preparing for your first ultrasound can be scary, exciting, nerve-wracking, and emotional, all at the same time. As Aspire Women’s Clinic, we want your ultrasound to be as positive of an experience as possible. So, we made a quick guide of what you can expect...