free pregnancy test

If you can believe it, 2017 is already behind us. We’ve eaten all the sweets from the holidays, we’ve felt festive, and we’ve had some time to reflect on the past year.

Maybe you had a great year where it felt like everything went your way (um, can I have your life?); or perhaps your year felt like you were struggling to just keep up.

Maybe you stayed with that one person a little longer than you should have, or maybe you did some things you regret – things that keep that sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach.

With a new year comes the feeling of a opportunity for a fresh start for something new, something different.

Are those bad habits getting in the way of where you want to be? Is that partner in your life hindering you from making the best decisions for you?

We know that the holidays can make you feel extra close to that special someone, but is that person actually right for you, or just feels right for right now?

Whatever the case may be, whatever your situation, know that 2018 has the hopefulness of starting with a clean slate. You are in control of your decisions and you are most definitely stronger than you think you are.

If some of those 2017 decisions have left you with questions related to your sexual health and you think you may be navigating an unplanned pregnancy, come and see us. We’d love to provide you with our free services and a listening ear.

We don’t judge anyone’s situation — we just want to help.

You will receive a free pregnancy test and ultrasound, if you’re far enough along. You and your partner can also get tested and treated for STIs. The best part? It’s all free. No insurance. Total Confidentiality. No judgment.

Start 2018 by making good decisions for you and your sexual health. You’ve got this!