unplanned pregnancy

To preface this: I am a 25-year-old who found myself pregnant at 20 years old. Not ideal.

I was a sophomore in college, in a sorority, and had big plans for my future. I was in school for Elementary Education, and I planned on getting my masters right after school and eventually teaching; this had been my dream for years.

So, it can come as a complete surprise that one night, after what started as a pretty low key get together with some friends, I found myself pregnant.

At first, I was in shock. When I told my family and friends, the collective response was to terminate my pregnancy. Telling me that the only way my dreams are even plausible is if I abort. At first, I believed them.

How could I have the future I wanted with an infant crawling around? I was in college for goodness sakes. I was beginning my adult life.

Then one day, I realized that all the comments made weren’t all that encouraging to me. I kept thinking “do my friends and family think so low of me that they think I can’t be a mom and have a career?”

I then found a local women’s clinic who reminded me of my worth. They told me that I could do it and that they would help me in my process. That nothing should keep me from fulfilling my dreams. And they were right!

I began to use all these negative comments made about my “lack of ability and finances” and “school is so important, don’t waste your time raising a kid” as fuel to keep moving forward. So, I kept my baby. I figured that if the time and I got scared, I could help find another family to raise my son through adoption. I was determined to have it all: a baby, education, and a job.

Now, here is the coolest part of my whole story. Once I changed my mind, it was like I had this cheerleader inside me encouraging me on to keep going.

I had my son a week before my 21st birthday. What a rager that was, lol. I graduated college three years later and am in my first year of my masters. My son is 4 years old and is a complete joy in my life! I tell him all the time how he is keeping me going and that I am doing all this so that he can grow up with a mother who chose him.

Because that’s what I did, I chose my son over the doubt that my friends and family had. And today, those same people who doubted me and my abilities, are now in love with my son and are beyond happy that he is here with us.

Aspire Women’s Clinic offers confidential pregnancy tests for women, in a safe and pressure-free environment. We also offer unplanned pregnancy support and helpful resources. Contact us today to learn more.